
Homepage > How You Can Help > Volunteer

Volunteer with Rainforest Relief
Put those talents to work to help save Earth's dwindling rainforests!
There are endless possible ways you can help us spare Earth's rainforests from complete destruction. You can volunteer from wherever you are.
- We need your help to slow the demand for rainforest woods that are streaming into the US in the form of plywood, lumber and finished goods like furniture, flooring, decking, doors, moldings, tool handles and many other products. You can help your town, school or business pass a resolution to end the use of unsustainable rainforest woods; help us go after companies we know are trading in rainforest woods or help us research others.
- You can get your company or municipality to only use organic, shade grown, co-op grown coffee or chocolate.
- Volunteer with our ForestBanana project here or in Costa Rica.
- We also need volunteers to help with the administration of the oranization. Learn non-profit administration while you help us save rainforests!
- Help us research companies on the web selling the good and the bad.
- Help us design new interactive web pages.
- Help with graphic projects such as designing posters, logos, t-shirts and more.
There are many more possibilities.
Earth is losing rainforests at an unprecedented rate. Estimates are that all accessible rainforests will be degraded or destroyed in less than 40 years. Please help us change those numbers! Call or email us to volunteer today.
